Stringed words laced with candid opinions



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Touring through the different phases of life,we come across people from diverse sources. We like some,form acquaintances, gain enemies and have some we even call soul mates. Today the question worth deliberating is 'Are Friends Real'?...'Is Friendship Childish'?...Who are friends?

Some say a friend in need is a friend in deed, thus are we supposed to have friends just so they could help us? Is that not selfishness? All around us we seem to be loosing the essence of human relations and its gets so bad even family members are ignored. We are busy chasing personal dreams ignoring everyone with the latest cliche "I'm busy". Forgetting that the people we meet when going up are the same you will meet when coming down. The funny thing is that what we want is not really for ourselves. Check your life carefully, you will find out the career,that car,that house,etc is all because you want society to recognise you with a certain status.

Lets take a glance at our childhood, to the friends we so cherished in primary and high school and ask, "How many are still our friends?" Is it because we outgrew the relationships? Did we loose contacts? Did our aspirations change necessitating that we get new friends because birds of a feather flock together? Notwithstanding back in those days we thought nothing could separate us, not schools, not careers, not relationships. We made promises to keep in touch so the question is "What Happened?" Did we become so proud of our current status we starting avoiding or so shy we started hiding.

it is inevitable though, that we cannot keep all our friends. However, if you believe friends are real and friendship is not just a childish phenomenon then lets make efforts to keep in touch. We are killing our relationships with long periods of silence. in this blessed era of technology it does not take much to keep a friend a hi on whatapp, a like/comment on facebook, a dm on instagram etc. the truth is no one is busier than the one who does not want to talk to you. Thus if you agree that friends are important then make them know you value them through frequent interaction.


  1. That's splendid: one of those!
    Indeed good friends complement our reason for life.
    Thus what's worth keeping is worth tendering.

  2. Very nice piece dear. Its really true that our quest to attain more in life so as to be recognized socially has led to us neglecting true friends. More grace to continue this great work.

  3. Great Write Up.Its not just about calling people your friends anymore but showing it.

  4. Nice piece there. As the saying goes, out of sight doesn't mean you are out of mind; having a friend and keeping them is the most difficult thing to do. Most people by perception think that at a point in life you need to let go of the old do you can have new friends, forgetting that the is one basic principle; which is the people you meet while going up are the same people you will meet when coming down.


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