Stringed words laced with candid opinions




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Yippee!!! Its Christmas again!!! Happy or sad the holidays are already in town and truth is it’s not about your participation the days will still pass. Haha! I lay in bed fantasying about what I want for Christmas so wrote to Santa. Surprised! Don’t be because even what's more mind blowing is that he replied. Check out its contents.

Hello Daughter,
Glad to hear from you. The season of love is here and I’m excited to give out my gifts to the good boys and girls and good adults too. Hope you have been good?
This year I decided to do some reflections on the good I have done to humanity and here is what I remembered. Recalling my presumably first experience, in the town where I first lived, there was this old man who had three daughters. The ladies could not marry because they could not afford the dowry (in that town the women pay dowries to families of prospective future husbands). On the night of Christmas Eve I secretly dropped a bag of gold in a stocking near the fireplace. How excited they were the following morning. Atlas he first daughter could get married. The following year I did same for the second daughter and their excitement was even greater. Amidst all the excitement they wondered who was depositing these enormous gifts. At the death of my rich parents I inherited a lot which I decided to help the poor with. Unknown to me in the third year when I decided to drop my gift the man and his daughter hid in the fireplace and caught my hand just as I was dropping the gift. Thus I was exposed. I begged that they keep quiet but word spread quickly about what I had done  At that time I was just a commoner but was conferred the title of saint due to my generosity so I become saint Nicholas.
Years later stories about me become unpopular typically around the 16th century. But someone had to deliver presents to children in at Christmas. Thus a fictional character was created in their stories and plays to represent me.  In UK it was Father Christmas, in France Pere Noel, and in USA as Kris Kringle. However he Dutch Settlers in USA took away the story when they and in merging Kris Kringle and St Nicholas we had SinterKlass. Which has evolved overtime to become Santa Claus.
Wondering why I taking you down memory lane, the message is simple Be a Santa the Christmas. Enough of expecting to receive, be generous enough to give without expecting. Also don’t drink and overeat because it’s in abundance. Take your time to reflect on the year and make your plans.
Whatever your fantasy for this Christmas, church, Parties, time with family and friends or Sleep, take advantage of the season and not vice versa.

Hippy I’m off make Christmas memorable for someone …….and DON’T FORGET …BE A SANTA!


NB; This is a work of fiction!

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